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Here comes your chance to perform on Sweden´s  hottest stage


Dance Groups of at least 5 perfomers representing the styles: Cuban, Bachata, Salsa (on1, on2), hiphop and possible fusions. Children can participate only with an approval from their guardian.


The show should last about 2.5 minutes. After successful registration, you will receive further instructions.

A dancer can participate in one show only.


There is no registration fee. Each performer must purchase a FULL PASS & is entitled to a discount from us . Tickets must be buyed within 10 days after the registration. Registration closes on 10- jun -2023 or earlier in case there are no places left.

Apply here 
What kind of number you would like to present

Thank you for you registration. We will come back to you as soon as possible.

Det går inte längre att skicka in det här formuläret.

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Vi är stolt medlemm i SDO, Sveriges Dansorganisation, som står för kompetens, kvalitet och utbildning.

Våra lärare är utbildade via förbundet inom flera olika steg och stilar.


Vi är också medlemm i WADF, world artistic dance federation som: 

  •  involve all levels of dancers in Worldwide Artistic Dance competitions.

  •  revitalise the methods of teaching dance in all parts of the World

Vi kan tävla internationell


We learn from the past, we live in the present and we look for the future!

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